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Grasp of the undying! :D



So I tried the new masteries, and first decided on taking Bond of Stone as a mastery for the mid and late game teamfights. However, I realised that Grasp of the undying matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegen… was the way to go :) Serieusly, in this meta Sion is a top lane king! Well... except against A-holes like Warlord's bloodlusted Yasuo (serieusly, fuck that guy!). Though at least he will be nerfed with that next patch :)

Sion is team reliant, but at the same time he will often win top lane trades (though Graves is a huge pain, though at least he will also be nerfed :)

Here is the golden tip: Ask your jungler if you can take a camp. You start by only buying a ward. After that, try raptors, otherwise wolves. Start with W, but don't use it to absorb damage, use it to pop it and damage the camp. You WANT to die to them, so that you can finish it in your passive. Afterwards when you respawn (almost instantly) you can buy a Doran's shield and a replenishing potion. Then TP back to the lane, and when you lvl up after killing one minion take Q in case he/she is pushing the wave to your tower. After that you'll probably miss a few minions, but don't be frustrated, just try to land your Q's. Though in the case of ilk like yasuo, max E and spam him. If he has high mobility, wait for him to go for a friendly minion, and E juggle his minions into him. As Sion don't forget to auto attack if your against a melee like Poppy. Sion's base it pretty good! Also, using your R for close combo after you worn him/her down works wonders :) Try using your Teleport and R for map control as well. My favourite build path right now is Iceborn Gauntlet (the area damage, slow, and the increased armor and CDR is amazing on him!) or Spectre's if against a AP top. ninja tabi or merc boots, Black Cleaver, Banshee's veil, sunfire, and Titanic Hydra :) You'll be an amazing CC monster with amazing area damage!
Oh, and very late game, trade your boots for a DMP :) Trust me, the passive makes up for no boots, and you'll CC them anyway.
Also if you do poorly, get a Frozen heart instead of a Iceborn Gauntlet. And get a Randuin's instead of a Sunfire.
And remember, you are still sluggisch and cheap mobility champs will be a pain against you. Don't rage, keep calm, and do your best. Chances are that mid to late you can carry the game :) You are still somewhat team reliant as Sion, so if things go badly with a bad team a Tahm Kench can carry better. But on the other hand Sion's area damage and CC is much more reliable, and if you have a decent team you can carry them much better with Sion :)

Those are about the tips I have, have fun in the leage everyone! :)
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Haymunk's avatar
"In this meta Sion  is a top lane king" STRONGLY disagree.. What about Yasuo? He got insane crits thanks to all the rework. What about Jax? He counters the ADC meta and has pretty decent damage due to both the new AD and Juggernaut items and the new masteries. What about Quinn? Insane roaming potential and great kiting. Hell, even Riven got so much stronger with the new AD items. Why should Sion be stronger than them?